How to Write Your Own Rainbow Bridge Poem

The Rainbow Bridge Poem is a poem from an unknown author for pet owners. Its words are unique and strong enough to help pet owners grieve losing their pets and recreate the memories they used to have. If you lost a pet, you too could have the poem to help you recreate the memories and grieve. You can also have your own poem.

  1. Include your memories

If you lost your pet, you would want to include your memories in what you make. A Rainbow Bridge Poem will be a good place to start with and write the memories there. Be sure to include all your favorite memories.

2. Have a photo of the pet too

You definitely have photos of your pet taken when the pet was alive. These are the great memories you want to keep. Therefore, you can consider having them with the poem on a slate or wall decoration.

3. Talk to your relatives too

Lastly, if it was a family pet, make sure to talk to your family members about your plans. They surely will have some memories to recreate, too, and they could have some good ideas to include too. After all, including them will eliminate chances of you all quarreling about a finished product, for example, in the case of a completed pet memorial.